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Find the help you need > Helplines and Crisis Hotlines > Mental Health Crisis Lines

Mental Health Crisis Lines

Programs that provide immediate assistance for people experiencing a mental health crisis such as a psychotic episode with the objective of defusing the crisis, often working closely with mobile crisis teams on standby, and helping the person develop a plan to link with resources for ongoing assistance, if required. A mental health crisis is a non-life threatening situation in which an individual exhibits extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress, is considering harm to him or herself or others, is disoriented or out of touch with reality, has a compromised ability to function, or is otherwise agitated and unable to be calmed. Other common indicators include feelings of intense sadness or depression, sleeping or eating problems, anxiety, severe distress, grief, anger or aggression, scattered, unfocused thinking, self-doubt, loss of motivation, lack of patience or irritability and paranoia. The service is generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.

1 Provider offering the requested services to residents of the 52353 ZIP Code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Behavioral Health
321 East 12th Street
Lucas State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319
(855) 581-8111 Toll-free   - 24/7 Free and Confidential Help and Information
(855) 895-8398 Text   - 24/7 Free and Confidential Help and Information
Polk County
101 miles from you
The Iowa Compass resource database information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Iowa Compass does not rate or endorse any agency.