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Find the help you need > Peer Support and Discussion Groups > Peer to Peer Networking for Amputations

Peer to Peer Networking

Programs that link individuals who have a particular disability or condition or have specific types of life experiences and are interested in meeting or corresponding with others who have similar disabilities, conditions or experiences for the purpose of information sharing and support.

3 Providers offering the requested services to residents of the 52240 ZIP Code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
Hanger ClinicHanger Clinic - Iowa City
3030 Northgate Drive Suite D
Iowa City, IA 52245
Johnson County
3 miles from you
Hanger ClinicHanger Clinic - Cedar Rapids
866 5th Avenue SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Linn County
23 miles from you
Amputee Coalition
South Building
601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 420
Washington, DC 20004
District of Columbia County
803 miles from you
The Iowa Compass resource database information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Iowa Compass does not rate or endorse any agency.