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Find the help you need > Peer Support and Discussion Groups > Support Groups for Cancer and Caregivers

Support Groups

Autonomous groups of individuals who share a common problem or concern, either directly or through their partners and families, who meet together on a voluntary basis, either in-person, by telephone or via the Internet, to fulfill a need, overcome a disability or cope with a crisis. Members of mutual support groups share their experiences, strengths and hopes and rely on one another for emotional support, information and resources. Included are professionally-facilitated groups, faith-based and secular 12-step models with or without professional participation, groups that use a set of guidelines prepared by a national organization or headquarters, and groups that have no professional participation and/or no specifically-structured format.

3 Providers offering the requested services to residents of the 52205 ZIP Code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
UnityPoint Health - Des MoinesUnityPoint Health - John Stoddard Cancer Center
1221 Pleasant Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 241-4141 Local   - Cancer Center main number
(515) 241-4251 Local   - Adolescent and young adult support group
(515) 241-8505 Local   - Blood and breast support groups
(515) 241-4234 Local   - Caregiver and lung support groups
(515) 241-4344 Local   - Colorectal support group
(515) 241-3399 Local   - Oral, head, neck support group
(515) 241-4231 Local   - Gynecologic and prostate support groups
(515) 241-8505 Local   - Stage IV support group
Polk County
126 miles from you
Wings of Hope Cancer Support Center
427 E Kanesville Boulevard Suite 202
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
(712) 325-8970 Local
(712) 325-6831 Fax
Pottawattamie County
243 miles from you
275 7th Avenue 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10001
(800) 813-4673 Toll-free   - All Services (English and Spanish)
(212) 712-8400 Local   - Administrative
(212) 712-8495 Fax
New York County
911 miles from you
The Iowa Compass resource database information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Iowa Compass does not rate or endorse any agency.