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Find the help you need > Peer Support and Discussion Groups > Mentoring Programs for Children's Issues

Mentoring Programs

Programs that provide companionship, guidance and/or role models for individuals who are disadvantaged because of age, income, physical or developmental disabilities or family environment.

4 Providers offering the requested services to residents of the 52205 ZIP Code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
Iowa Hands & Voices
ASK Resource Center
6165 NW 86th Street Suite 234
Johnston, IA 50131
(800) 450-8667 Toll-free - voice
(800) 735-2942 Toll-free - TTY
(515) 243-1713 Local
(515) 243-1902 Fax
Polk County
130 miles from you
Sioux Center HealthSioux Center Health - Diabetes Program
1101 9th Street SE
Sioux Center, IA 51250-1398
Sioux County
254 miles from you
(712) 722-8125 Local   Sioux Center meetings - Jennifer Lincecum  
(712) 551-3127 Local   Hawarden meetings
(712) 737-5311 Local   Orange City meetings - Dee Meerdink  
Parents and Researchers Interested in Smith-Magenis Syndrome
205 Van Buren Street Suite 120, #1027
Herndon, VA 20170
Fairfax County
778 miles from you
The Iowa Compass resource database information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Iowa Compass does not rate or endorse any agency.