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Find the help you need > Recreation, Games, Sports and Physical Fitness > Wellness Programs

Wellness Programs

Programs that offer individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being. Wellness programs are holistic and combine a variety of components which may include a general physical examination that is tailored to the individual's needs; an evaluation of the person's pattern of exercise, eating habits, sources of stress and other lifestyle elements that are potential risk factors; and the development and implementation of an individualized plan for prevention management and early intervention to optimize health and performance which may include physical fitness sessions, nutrition counseling, stress reduction techniques, biofeedback, practice in assuming responsibility for one's choices, and other specific measures for avoiding physical and mental health conditions.

8 Providers offering the requested services to residents of the 52205 ZIP Code. Providers are listed by priority/proximity
Cedar Rapids Metro Parkinson's Association
901 8th Avenue SE
Family Caregivers Center of Mercy
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Linn County
21 miles from you
On With LifeOn With Life - Coralville
2854 Coral Court Suite 1
Coralville, IA 52241
(319) 259-6224 Local
(319) 249-6643 Fax
Johnson County
33 miles from you
(515) 289-9662 Local - Tammy Miller  
On With LifeOn With Life - Ankeny
715 SW Ankeny Road
Ankeny, IA 50023
(800) 728-0645 Toll-free
(515) 289-9600 Local - voice
(515) 965-1339 ext. 264 Local - TTY
(515) 964-0567 Fax
Polk County
123 miles from you
(515) 289-9662 Local - Tammy Miller  
Link Associates
1452 29th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 262-8888 Local
(515) 468-2952 Fax
Polk County
132 miles from you
(519) 262-8888 ext. 405 Local - Gabrielle Cole  
Opportunity Living
1890 E Main Street
Lake City, IA 51449-7706
(712) 464-8961 Local
(712) 464-3320 Fax
Calhoun County
175 miles from you
Wings of Hope Cancer Support Center
427 E Kanesville Boulevard Suite 202
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
(712) 325-8970 Local
(712) 325-6831 Fax
Pottawattamie County
243 miles from you
Heartland Family ServiceHeartland Family Service - Charles E. Lakin Human Services Campus
1515 Avenue J
Council Bluffs, IA 51501-4025
Pottawattamie County
244 miles from you
Heartland Family ServiceHeartland Family Service - Peer Center
25 Main Place Suite 300
Omni Centre Business Park
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Pottawattamie County
244 miles from you
The Iowa Compass resource database information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. Iowa Compass does not rate or endorse any agency.